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历史系提供用美语授课的课程, 欧洲, and non-Western history that provide students with a grounding in the many ways historians have made sense of the world. 了解不同的社会, 经济体, 州, and 文化 have developed and changed over time is crucial to evaluating and adapting to today’s ever-changing world. 因为我们的班级规模很小, you'll do assignments and projects that would be unthinkable at larger universities. 我们鼓励你去追求你的激情, and our program has the flexibility to make it an integral part of your education.
  • BA

The study of history is more than reconstructing events of the past. It is the study of societies 和ir institutions, 经济学, 文化, 以及随着时间的推移而演变的信仰. Our history major is designed to prepare students for a variety of career paths. There are courses that teach skills that our graduates will use in museums, 历史的社会, 活历史遗址, 以及州立和国家公园, as well as government agencies and non-profit organizations. 除了, Chatham has agreements with law schools that enable students to complete their undergraduate education and law school a year earlier than most.


Photo of a professor wearing a suit speaking with Chatham University students outside.

Campus 社区 Profile: 让-雅克•先尼, Ph.D. 

了解更多关于让-雅克•先尼博士的信息.D.他是历史学副教授 & 文化研究.  


在你的课程中, 你将学会获取, 组织, 分析, and clearly communicate information in other words, 批判性的思考和良好的写作. You’ll appreciate one-on-one mentoring with a professor, 讨论重要的问题, 有机会做原创研究, and going beyond presidential politics to understand how people have experienced historical change.

  • All students complete a capstone seminar that channels the knowledge they’ve accumulated into a discipline-specific project under close faculty guidance. Chatham is one of the few universities across the country that offers such an independent and student-driven program.
  • 研究生 with an advanced degree through one of our partnerships, 包括加速研究生项目 公共政策与管理 卡内基梅隆大学的 3/3程序 at Duquesne University 法律 School,和 Early Assurance Program with the 研究生 School of Public and International Affairs 在匹兹堡大学.
  • Students who want to teach history in high school can complete the certification requirements and graduate in four years with a BA in history and secondary teacher certification in social studies. 另外, you can complete the Integrated Degree Program and graduate in five years with a BA in 历史 and an MAT with teacher certification in social studies.

Industry 和 Working Class in 欧洲 and America

This course seeks to understand who built America, 他们在什么条件下劳动, 了解他们的希望, 梦想, and struggles to create a better future for themselves 和ir families. The course traces the historical development of the American working class from colonial times to the present. Particular attention is given to the formation of working class political and economic organizations 和ir impact on American history.


通过这门课程, students will learn about oral history 和 racial dynamics of American cities, 尤其是匹兹堡, 自二战以来. Students will learn about the history of racial inequality in cities 和 efforts of people to both combat and maintain that inequality. They will then conduct oral history interviews to further explore the lives of people in two neighborhoods in Pittsburgh.


This course examines current methods and technologies used in the production of digital history, with a particular focus on incorporating local history resources into online historical media.



If one word could best sum up Chatham's faculty, it would be engaged. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.



查塔姆的获奖 全球聚焦计划 engages our students in the critical and holistic exploration of one specific country or region of the globe every year. The program reinforces cross-cultural ties and internationalization initiatives in the Greater Pittsburgh area and beyond. 有特色的国家包括印度尼西亚, 加拿大, 非洲南部, 德国, 巴西, 智利, 和越南. For the 2021-2022 academic year, our focus is Costa Rica.

探索全球聚焦计划 :棋盘1 -全球焦点计划
Photo of the facade of the Supreme Court in Washington DC.

历史 & 法律

Chatham's pre-law program is designed to encourage and support students with an interest in careers in law. It also helps students prepare to attend law school. 该项目包括法律预科顾问, 法律预科辅修, co-curricular programs offered in partnership with the 宾夕法尼亚妇女与政治中心, as well as the support of an advisory committee.

Photo of flags of different nations flying in front of the United Nations building.


It’s easy to enhance the degree with a certificate in international studies in one of five major global regions: Africa, 亚洲, 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 以及中东地区. The certificate includes a language requirement, 历史文化课程, and an international field experience (which Chatham helps to fund).






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